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Note: Text covers an earlier version.

Runners Remaining in Forst

Updated: 2012-08-03

Handle Remaining Runners the page Competitors. Select Remaining Runners to see a list with Runners Without Registration. These runners (or rather their SI-card) has not been encountered at all during the competition. The command Set Status for Runners without Registration changes the status for these runners to Did Not Start.

If all runners has checked their cards or used a start punch, you can readout these units (you can also readout controls and clear units). Then all runners who have punched anywhere will disappear from this list, and are instead moved to the list Runners, Status Unknown, with Registration. These runners remain, with some certainty, in forest..

To read out the punches from a SI unit, use the program SI-Config, provided by SportIdent. Choose to save the readout as a semicolon separted file (csv) and import this file to MeOS by the command Import Punches.

If you accidentally clicked the button Set Status for Runners without Registration when not all check units (or similar) was read out, too many runners will get status DNS. When you have read out the remaining check units, these runners will show up in the list Runners, Status DNS, with Registration. The button Reset Status to for Runners with Registration will reset the status for these runners.

On the page Lists there is a list called Remaining Runners. It shows all runners that have not yet finished, sorted by class and start time. It is just a convenient view of the same information.
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