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Note: Text covers an earlier version.

Automatic Printing and File Export

Updated: 2012-10-31

Automatic result printing and export for the web is done by the service Print / Export Results on the page Services.
A convenient way to setup a printing job for a certain list is to use the button Automatize found to the right of the list.
For a printing / export service, you can select if the list should be Printed and / or Exported. In the first case, you need to choose a printer and printer settings, in the latter case, you need to select a file to export to. In addition, you can decide if the exported file should be structured or freely formatted.

You can tell MeOS to run a script after each export. This functionality is useful for Exporting Lists to the Internet.

Time interval defines how often the list is printed / exported.

If you started the service manually, you find some options to define the list to be printed / exported, see the section on lists for more information. In addition, there is the option only print modified pages which means that only pages not printed before will be printed.
If you choose to only print changed pages, it can happen that only page two in a certain class is printed. The person putting up results has to be aware of this.
If you restart the service, MeOS will forget what pages it has printed before, and reprint everything.


  1. Exporting Lists to the Internet

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