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Note: Text covers an earlier version.

Carry Out the Stage

Updated: 2015-03-20

The principle to keep in mind is that you run a given stage exactly as an ordinary competition. Special steps are only needed to first setup the stage, and then to transfer results to the next stage. Now open the version of Stage 1 that has results. Select Manage Several Stages and verify that Stage 2 is selected in the list Next stage. Then click Transfer Results to the Next Stage. You have to decide on the Treatment of competitors that have changed class. Which of the following options is most suitable depends on the rules of your competition and if there was one entry list or separate registration for each stage: If you have received new entries (in some classes) during the first stage and want to add them to the next stage, select Specify classes where new entries are allowed. MeOS shows a list where you can select classes. If you check Transfer new competitors in remaining classes with status also new entries in other classes will be transferred, but are expected not to participate in the next stage. This option is primarily useful if you want to produce a collected invoice.

Open Stage 2 and check that the results were transferred as expected. On the page Competitors (and the page Teams) there are boxes Results from Earlier Stages with the fields Status, Time, Place, and Points (if you have Rogaining support). You can manually adjust an incorrect value or you can modify the preceding stage and transfer the results again.

In Table Mode, the columns Time in, Status in, Points in (for Rogaining) and Place in hold the transferred total result from the previous stage.

Stage 2 is now ready to use. You can also assign start times with pursuit and similar schemes, see Special Start Time Assignment and Pursuit. The lists Stage Results and Total Results includes the results you transferred to from the previous stage.
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